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CakePHP 2.x User Management Plugin with Twitter Bootstrap 3.x

Plugin Features

  1. Clean code with coding standards
  2. Easy to understand code

User Features

  1. User Registration
  2. Login With Username/Email & Password
  3. Auto login with Remember me option
  4. Login/Registration with Facebook
  5. Login/Registration with Twitter
  6. Login/Registration with Google
  7. Login/Registration with Linkedin
  8. We can show Change Password page after registration using social account
  9. Forgot Password
  10. Email Verification
  11. My Profile
  12. Edit Profile
  13. Delete Account
  14. Change Password
  15. Add single user
  16. Add multiple users via csv
  17. List all users with pagination and sorting
  18. Ajax Search filter to search an user
  19. Ajax pagination and sorting
  20. Activate/Inactivate any user
  21. Verify user's email
  22. Change user's password
  23. View user's profile
  24. Edit user's profile
  25. Delete user's profile
  26. Storing IP address of user
  27. Takes the image from facebook, linkedin, twitter and updates as profile image
  28. Stores login time as last login time for user
  29. Display last login time on user's dashboard
  30. List of all online users within a specific time
  31. Admin can logout any online user
  32. Admin can logout & inactivate any online user

User Groups Features

  1. List all groups with pagination and sorting
  2. Ajax Search filter to search a group
  3. Ajax pagination and sorting
  4. Add User Group
  5. Edit User Group
  6. Delete User Group
  7. Set allow/disallow registration for a group
  8. One user may belongs to more than one group
  9. A group can have sub groups

Permissions Features

  1. View user's permissions
  2. Manage controller's actions access permissions for group users
  3. Manage controller's actions access permissions for sub group users
  4. Permission work with URL prefix and Plugin names

Email Features

  1. Send Email to any user
  2. Send Email to one or more selected users
  3. Send Email to one or more group users
  4. Send Email to manual emails
  5. Email confirmation page to cross check the email content and recipients
  6. On confirmation page, feature to unselect an unwanted recipient
  7. View all sent emails with Pagination, Sorting and Search Filter using ajax
  8. View email full details and email recipients details of a any sent email
  9. Add email templates
  10. Edit email templates
  11. Delete email templates
  12. List all email templates with Pagination, Sorting and Search Filter using ajax
  13. Select an existing email template while sending email
  14. Add email signatures
  15. Edit email signatures
  16. Delete email signatures
  17. List all email signatures with Pagination, Sorting and Search Filter using ajax
  18. Select an existing email signature while sending email

Contact Enquiry Features

  1. List contact enquiries with Pagination and Sorting
  2. Ajax Search filter to search an enquiry
  3. Ajax pagination and sorting
  4. Contact us enquiry form
  5. Send reply to any contact enquiry

Security Features

  1. CSRF/XSS protection using Form protection component
  2. Passwords are encrypted
  3. Login attacks protected by recaptcha
  4. Recaptcha on Forgot Password page
  5. Recaptcha on Email Verification page
  6. Recaptcha on Contact us page

CMS Features

  1. Add Static Page
  2. Edit Static Page
  3. Delete Static Page
  4. View the content of static page
  5. List static pages with Pagination and Sorting
  6. Ajax Search filter to search a page
  7. Ajax pagination and sorting
  8. Access the static page by url

CakePHP log Features

  1. List all the cakelog files
  2. View/Edit a particular cakelog
  3. Create backup of a cakelog
  4. Delete a cakelog
  5. Empty the cakelog file

Misc Features

  1. Image resize helper: using this you can resize image or can crop with desired size
  2. Ajax form validations
  3. Ajax Pagination
  4. Ajax Sorting on all List pages
  5. Ajax Search/Filter Options on List Pages with Clear button for clearing all filter conditions
  6. Ajax Suggestion/Autocomplete on Search/Filter text boxes
  7. Window history push URL added on ajax pagination, ajax sorting and ajax search
  8. Browser CSS/JS Cache control
  9. Delete CakePHP cache in one click
  10. All configurations are database driven
  11. Configuration/Setting can be accessed by Configure or as a constant
  12. checkPassword function now support for password hasher, for supporting CakePHP 2.x or old passwords

277 Reviews

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